Special Education

The Ottawa-Carleton District School board offers a range of special education programs, designed to enhance educational success and the welfare of special needs students. Working together in a partnership, parents and school personnel can ensure that all the learning needs of the child are met through ongoing communication, cooperation, active participation and sharing of responsibility.

OCDSB Special Education

Special Education at Sir Wilfrid Laurier

At Sir Wil, our Resource Room is known as the Blue Room, an academic support room that is open to all students. The Blue Room is open before school and at lunch as well as all periods of the day. Before school the Blue Room hosts a Breakfast Club where any student can drop in and grab a healthy snack to start their day. With permission from their classroom teacher, students are welcome to visit the Blue Room to get caught up on coursework, as a quiet place to complete evaluations, and as a place to use or borrow technology (Chromebooks that can stay within the room or Laptops that can be borrowed to take to the classroom). The Blue Room also offers a variety of types of work space, including standing tables, wobbly chairs, and a variety of standard seating.

Learning Support Teachers 

Jennifer Angel
Grades 9, 11, 12

Allison Whitmore
Grade 10

Christine Gagné
Head of Special Education

The Learning Support Teacher meets with all IEP’d students to inform them of the resources and accommodations that they are entitled to throughout their high school career. The LST also communicates with classroom teachers and parents to help each student have a successful year.

Learning Strategies Course (GLE1O/2O/3O)

  • 1 credit with its own curriculum for IPRC/IEP students
  • Can take up to 3 credits during high school
  • The course is to help students become more independent learners
  • Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills
  • They will also receive assistance with assignment completion, organization (agenda), time management