Student Attendance

Please notify the office if your child will be absent:

613-834-4500 Ext. 1

a) Attendance Expectations

    • Classes begin at 8:20 am. Please arrive at school between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m.
    • It is your responsibility to attend all of your classes.
    • Teachers record attendance in each class.
  • It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to inform the school of any absences in advance (or the student him/herself if age 18)
  • Our automated attendance notification system will telephone and email parents/guardians to inform them of all unexplained absences and lates when the Main Office has not been informed.
  • Students struggling with attendance issues will work with their vice principal as well as guidance and student success staff, in partnership with parents and guardians

b) Absences

  • If you have to be absent from school, parents/guardians need to inform the Main Office through one of the following methods: 
    • Email the school attendance address:, OR
    • Call the school 24-hour telephone attendance line at 613-834-4500, voice mailbox 1 (please leave a message)
  • In the message your parent/guardian should clearly state your name, their name, and the date and reason of the absence. 
  • If your parent/guardian forgets to call or email, please ask them to follow up via phone or email so your attendance can be updated and it doesn’t look like you “skipped!” 
  • A “Snow Day” is a regular school day. When school buses are cancelled the school remains open. Even when the school buses are not operating, your parent/guardian needs to inform the school that you will be absent, as the school is still required to record student attendance.
  • Extended absences may jeopardize your achievement in courses. For any absence of 5 or more days, please contact your Vice Principal in advance (or as soon as you are able if it is an emergency).

c) Absences and Signing Out

  • If you must leave school during the day and will miss class time you are required to sign out  at the Main Office.
  • You must have permission from your parent/guardian to authorize you to sign out.
  • Your parent/guardian may give permission by telephone (613-834-4500) or by email ( 
  • If there is no telephone call or email, you must call your parent/guardian from the Main Office and a member of the office staff will speak to them to obtain permission.
  • We can’t let students under 18 leave without permission!

It is very important that the Main Office be informed of any address, telephone and/or email changes so that the school can reach parents/guardians during the school day when necessary or in case of an emergency. Your parent/guardian can update your contact information by email to

d) Absences and Signing In

  • If you are late for a legitimate reason (e.g. illness or a medical or dental appointment), you are required to sign in  at the Main Office and obtain a permission slip for admittance to class. 
  • There must be a phone call or email from your parent/guardian to authorize you to sign in. 

e) Lates to Class

  • Students are expected to be in class and on time.
  • If a student arrives late to school or class with no legitimate reason (e.g. an appointment) they are to report to class and will be marked late.
  • Vice-Principals will work with students who are chronically late (in partnership with parents/guardians).

f) Absences of Students 18 & Over

  • If you are 18 or over, you are responsible for your own attendance with the Main Office and your teachers.
  • Your parents may still be involved and contacted by the school if you so desire. You need to fill out the “Over 18” form to ensure the school knows your preference.
  • Sign in and out at the Main Office providing appropriate and legitimate reasons for absence. 
  • You still need to explain every absence!
  • An appointment card/email from a medical or dental office may be requested as “third party verification.”

g) Absences that are Unauthorized (“skipping”)

  • Absences that are unjustified or unauthorized are considered a “skip.”
  • Honesty with teachers and parents is the best policy.
  • “Skipping” will be dealt with by the subject teachers and the appropriate Vice-Principal on a case-by-case basis.

h) Absences and Missed Work

  • Students absent from class are responsible for making arrangements with their subject teachers for all material covered during their absence, including regular classwork, as well as assessments and evaluations.
  • Teachers maintain a Google Classroom or VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) with an outline of material covered, but this is not meant to be a substitute for daily attendance.
  • If you are away from class for more than two consecutive days, your parents/guardians need  to be in touch with your teacher directly, or your guidance counsellor, to receive class materials and assignments.
  • If a student will be absent for more than three days due to travel, parents must directly contact the Vice-Principal prior to the departure date.
  • If a student is absent for 5 consecutive days for medical reasons, a medical note is requested