Concussion Protocol

Concussion Information

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has adopted the 6-step concussion protocol created by the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA). The OCDSB has established a procedure for concussion management in order to properly support our students while recovering from concussions. At SWL we will carefully monitor our students during this healing process to allow our students to return in a safe and supported manner. In order to do this effectively, support from the concussed student, his/her parents or guardians, the school staff and volunteers who work with the student and the medical doctor are all essential.

If you suspect that your child has suffered a concussion, please download and print the Concussion Protocol Package and bring it to a medical doctor. Follow the outlined steps, add signatures where required then bring it to the Main Office at the school.

If you have any questions concerning this protocol please contact Nancy Girozen, Principal