Mini-Enrichment Courses

Each year, over 100 mini-courses are offered to students from Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais region. Take a week to explore a subject that interests you, spend a few days on campus, and get a taste of life at university! In 2025, the mini-courses will run from April 28 to May 2 at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University.
- Register online using
register/heocymkQgol6bkU/ 9QU1FZ7rnJSV. This includes selecting courses and providing payment - Please note that we are not vetting or checking for suitability, but approving on a first-come, first served basis for the first 1000 OCDSB registrants.
- Advise the school of your registration into the Mini-course programs for attendance tracking. Parent/Guardians must report their child as Absent on the days they will be away from school
- Please note: This year, the OCDSB and school staff are not involved in any selection processes or collection of fees for the programs. All inquiries about this program, selections, payment, etc should be directed to