Dear Parent/Guardian:
On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 all grade 9 students are invited to take part in Take Our Kids to Work Day. Students across Canada will be given the opportunity to accompany a parent, relative or friend to work for this day.
This day is meant to foster in our young people an understanding of what it means to go to work. Parents, educators, business people and community leaders are committed to making this day a valuable learning experience.
Where can students go for the day?
Parents/guardians are encouraged to invite their children to join them at work, but if this is not possible, there are other ways for your child to participate.
Ask a relative, neighbour or family friend to take your child to work
Ask another parent, who is taking their child to work, if your child can join them for the day
Contact local businesses and ask if they are participating in Take Our Kids to Work Day. Inquire if someone within their organization would be willing to host your child, providing you make the necessary transportation arrangements
Accompanying this letter is a consent form that must be signed by both the student and the parent/guardian and returned to their period one teacher by November 1, 2024. Students should be given an orientation to their particular workplace, including information on emergency and safety procedures. Students should be supervised throughout the day.
For additional information about Take Our Kids to Work Day, go to As we anticipate that all Grade 9 students will be participating in Take our Kids to Work, regular classes will be paused for the day. Any students attending school that day will be doing independent work. All Grade 10-12 students will be participating in a post-secondary planning webinar that day.
Tim Hawes, Principal