Cellphones and other mobile devices can cause major distractions in the classroom and disrupt student learning. Last spring, the Ontario government put in place new restrictions on personal mobile devices in schools. We wanted to share more information with you about how we will comply with these changes at Sir Wil.
Starting September 3, the following restrictions will be in place at Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS:
Personal mobile devices are not allowed to be used during class instructional time. Devices must remain “Off and Away” during class times, and can be stored in a backpack or their locker. This restriction applies to all areas of the school (class, hallways, washrooms, yard, etc) while classes are in session. They can be used before/after school, between classes, and at lunch break.
What is a personal mobile device?
According to the Ontario government, the restrictions include cellphones, personal laptops, tablets, and smartwatches. Devices that connect wirelessly to others (e.g. earbud and headphones) are also part of this policy.
What if students use their phones during class time without permission?
Students who don’t comply will be directed to surrender their device(s) to a designated space in the classroom, to be returned later in the day. Further progressive disciplinary action will be taken if students repeatedly disobey the restrictions in place or if they do not comply with that direction.
What if I need to contact my child?
Parents/caregivers can call the main office of their school. If it is an urgent or emergency situation, we will immediately notify your child.
What if my child needs to call me?
Students can use a phone in the main office to call their parents/caregivers.
Can students still bring a phone to school?
Yes. Students may keep their cell phone, tablet or smartwatch with them, but they must be “Off and Away” during all class times.
Are there any exceptions?
Yes. Exceptions exist for education, health, special education or accommodation needs. This includes if a student needs a mobile device for a medical issue or a teacher has explicitly granted permission for use during a specific learning activity. Talk to your teacher, principal and/or guidance counselor if there is a medical need for a particular technology.
When do these restrictions take effect?
These restrictions will be in place for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Staff will support students in adjusting to the new regulation over the first few days of school.
To further reduce distractions during the school day, all social media networks will be blocked on school networks. We appreciate these restrictions may be difficult for some to adjust to at first, but we are confident that limiting mobile device usage will improve student focus during class.
Parents/caregivers are encouraged to talk about these changes with students ahead of school and model positive actions to limit your own device usage. The organization MediaSmarts has helpful information on managing screentime on their website.
More resources and information about these changes can be found on our website: ocdsb.ca/mobiledevices